Tomate Cafe Bule

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Description : Cafe Bule is a mahogany pear tomato with an unusual transparent skin and very long neck. They hang like ornaments on the 5 foot vines and are produced in such abundance that it is difficult to keep them picked. Be careful when picking as the fruit detaches easily even when green. The flavor is good and the neck is solid leaving only a tiny seed cavity at the end. In fact, I've had such difficulty harvesting seed from this variety that I need to limit a packet to 30 seeds. However, that should be plenty to grow out and share with family and friends. One note: there is a tendency to split lengthwise in wet weather, but it rarely affects the quality of the fruit, just the look of it. Give Cafe Bule a try this summer. 72 days to maturity from transplanting.
Couleur : pourpre
Port : indéterminé
Hauteur : comprise entre 1.2 et 2 mètres
Calibre : cocktail - masse de 30 à 50g
Précocité : Mi saison:65 à 80 jours
Productivité : bonne
Climat : bon comportement dans les régions froides ou à saison courte
Usage : salade
Culture : sous serre

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Dernière modification le 12 novembre 2014, à 19:20